The Plant Pink System™
To ensure exceptionally high survival rates of tree seedlings, Global Land Repair recommends the complete Plant Pink Tree Planting System™. The 8 steps are below:
Step 1. Identify compaction layers and deep rip appropriately using a Yeomans Plow® to open up the soil.
Step 2. Mark out tree spacing’s according to tree type and habitat goal.
Step 3. Remove all grass using herbicides(with Herbi-Safe™) within 1m of the planting holes or use heavy mulch.
Step 4. Dig holes deeper than the pot making sure the hole edges are not smooth and at least 300mm round to allow for root expansion.
Step 5. Place 200g (1 cup) of Tree-Starter™ into the planting hole.
Step 6. Dip tree seedling roots(preferably tube stock) into a Tree-Tonic™ solution then plant just covering the root ball, leaving a depression to hold water. Leave a depression around the tree so it can hold 10 L of water. Water in Tree-Tonic™ to limit stress and feed soil biology.
Step 7. Put down a Plant Pink Mulch Weed Mat™ and setup a Plant Pink Tree-Guard™. Place dry forest mulch(preferably hay) around the outside of the Tree-Guard.
Step 8. After 12 months fertilise each tree with 400g (2 cups) of Tree-Booster™ around the drip line to boost growth.
Why Pink?
Visible light can be split into a spectrum of colours. Green leaves absorb light from the red fraction to drive photosynthesis. Research has demonstrated that the colour pink reflects and focuses the red fraction, concentrating this photosynthetic energy to enhance plant growth. (Other colours are available on request)
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