Matt Kilby – Man of a Thousand Trees
Extreme Tree Planting – Matt Kilby
“Matt Kilby is committed to rehabilitating our landscapes by planting trees in habitats where tree removal was implemented in the past. Matt focuses on establishing trees in a way where survival rates are paramount and functional landscapes are all important. Here he takes us through how he plants into difficult areas, where special techniques and care is critical to ensure high rates of survival and successful landscape rehabilitation.”
Matt Kilby – Tree Planting Whole Video
Mycorhizae on the History Channel
Landscape Rehabilitation and Stabilization
Capital Wind Farm near Bungendore, NSW, Australia, had a gully erosion problem which threatened their power-poles and power line infrastructure. A landscape rehabilitation and stabilisation project was undertaken to protect the infrastructure. This project was very different to the normal hard engineering solution. It utilised Permaculture design principles combined with a soft engineering approach that used compost and packed compost “socks” to stabilise the area. This combined with seeding and planting helped build biodiversity and established landscape function again. In this video the Matt Kilby from Trees For Earth, and Gerry Gillespie from the Department of Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Sustainability Programs Division, visit the site a year after the site works were completed and give their insights on the project outcomes.
Landscape Rehabilitation and Stabilization – Trees For Earth Summary
Arbor Guard
Using the Arbor Guard at the National Arboretum Canberra to decrease wind, rabbit and kangaroo damage to saplings.
Wildwood – Merve Wilkinson and his Forest
This is an excerpt from a documentary that tells the story of Merve Wilkinson and his Wildwood forest on Vancouver Island. Merve has been harvesting timber in his forest since 1945 using ecoforestry techniques and today he still has a magnificent stand of timber on the property.
Trees For Earth – Permaculture Installation Gippsland Victoria
Do trees communicate
Mycorrhizae’s Excellent Cousin: The Mushroom
Tips for Adding Mycorrhizae to Your Own Garden